Beloved Rose (Diabolik Lovers x OC) - Chapter 1 - orphan_account (2025)

Chapter Text

It was a normal day for Miyuki Sakamaki. And with normal, being quiet as hell and extremely bored in the house.

'Why is there nothing fun in this house? I can't go to Shu as he is a lazy ass and would ignore me, Reiji would only scold me of why of how i got in trouble, Laito would be a better option but he is most likely trying to seduce some girl, Ayato is probably eating some Takoyaki, Kanato is being in his doll room and Subaru... Yeah, i don't think it's a good idea to go to him as he is always in a pissy mood', Miyuki thought.

Oh yes, you wanted to know of how she got in trouble? Let's see...

-a few hours ago-

Miyuki was in school by her locker, minding her own business until a guy showed up.

"Can i help you?", Miyuki asked politely.

"Umm, i wanted to ask if you would go out with me?", the guy said to her.

"I'm sorry, but i am not interested. I don't fall for men, sorry dude", Miyuki said wanting to walk away, but the guy had grabbed her arm.

"No! I finally had the courage to ask you out so you will go out with me!", the guy said angrily. Miyuki rolled he eyes and grabbed the arm of the guy and twisted it.

"What part of the word 'no' do you not understand? I am a lesbian, not bisexual or straight. Accept that. Honestly, how many times do i have to repeat that? And you better tell that to your friends too as i'm sure they are standing right behind that wall", Miyuki said in an annoyed tone. She isn't angry or anything, as this happens like two times a week.

"Miss Sakamaki, stop with what you are doing right now", a teacher said who had heard the commotion.

Miyuki gulped and let go.

"Sorry", she said not really meaning it.

"I would like if you would follow me please", the teacher said as Miyuki sighed and went to follow.

"I have seen everything, don't worry, i'm not mad at all. You protected yourself after being threatened and that's all that counts. Have a cookie miss Sakamaki", the teacher said giving her some.

Miyuki was shocked, but as the teacher was also a woman, it was easy to understand as why she wasn't mad.

"Of course, this is most likely to be told to the principal who will contact your father", the teacher added. Miyuki did her best not to laugh.

"Yes, of course. But i doubt that he will do something about it. My brother though, i won't escape his lecture for the coming three hours", Miyuki said with a chuckle.


"I am honestly surprised he hasn't come to seek me out yet. It's weird. Wait, i better should not say this, as i am sure he would appear in my room at any given moment", Miyuki said out loud as she heard the front door open.

"Hm? I wasn't really expecting some visitors today. Let's see what is going on", she said walking out of bed and walked to the living room.

Yeah sure, she could teleport, but she doesn't want the vistors to think that she is creepy. For all she could know, it was someone from school.

"Huh? Why is there a blond girl doing in here? I haven't been told that we would have visitors. But you don't here me complaining. It has been a long time since another female other then me has stepped a foot in this house", Miyuki said as she went to sit next to the girl.

"What's your name?", Miyuki asked completely ignoring her brothers who are there to.

"My name is Yui Komori, and i was told by my father to live here", the girl now known as Yui said.

"Hey Miyuki, back off. Yours Truly saw her first so Yours Truly is going to be her first everything", her brother Ayato said.

"I am so sick of hearing calling yourself 'Yours Truly'", a voice said.

Miyuki could have sworn she was about to lose it.

'Can these morons like not give away what we are the second someone walks in here!? Or am i the only one that understands this? Of course i am aware that if she really is supposed to live here, she would have figured it out like in the first half hour as my brothers just LOVE to mess around with humans. Don't get me wrong, i do to but not to the point of harassing people! Yes, i can be flirty at times, but my brothers are the ones that take everything a little bit to far', Miyuki thought.

"Damnit, i know it's you Subaru, show yourself!", Ayato said sounding very angry.

"I am right here. Now who is this human that has decided to ruin my precious sleep?", Subaru said as he stood by a nearby wall.

Yui, who was very confused of how he got there, asked: " how did you get here so quietly?"

And being the short tempered guy he was, Subaru had punched a wall and saying or rather yelling: " Answer my question first!"

Miyuki facepalmed herself.

"Subaru, can't you like, you know, not do that? Do you know the amount of walls we already had to fix cause you keep punching them? It is working on my nerves for the case you don't know", Miyuki said calmly to her younger brother.

"Shut up Miyuki!", Subaru said to her.

Yui was extremely confused by what is all happening here. She would be lying if she said was a little bit uncomfortable.

"Don't worry little girl, you get used to their behavior eventually. But i do suggest not to piss anyone here off, it might as well be the last thing you ever do. Believe me, many have done and had paid the price", Miyuki said to Yui, what made her even more scared.

"Umm, i'm sorry, but i still think that this is some sort of misunderstanding. So i will betaking me leave now", Yui said nervously as she stood and tried to walk out.

"Hang on, shouldn't it be more polite to stay before we find out what is the meaning of this?" Reiji said.

"Are you the woman that HE mentioned?", some voice said from behind them. Yui saw that there was now a man laying on the couch. How he got there, she didn't even wanted to ask that anymore.

"Shu, do you know something about this?"

"That guy... He contacted me a few days ago and told us that we were expecting a guest and that we should treat her with respect. And we are also told not to kill her", the guy names Shu said.

"Well if that is the case then we will have a long relationship with this woman", Laito said.

"So you are telling me that Pancake here is supposed to be the sacrificial bride?", Ayato said insulting Yui cause she is flat chested. Not very nice manners, Ayato.

Then Reiji spoke up.

"Seems like there is no misunderstanding after all. Let me introduce ourself. The man on the couch is oldest son, Shu"

Shu didn't answer though, as he clearly is way to busy with sleeping as that is what he does the entire fucking day.

"My name is Reiji and i am the second son. Next we have the quadruplets. Ayato"

"You won't get away from me next time", the oldest of the quadruplets said.


"Pleasure to meet you Little Bitch", Laito said winking at Yui. Just to be clear, even though he is the first one to be born from the quadruplets, some old Japanese tradition has it saying that the second born is the oldest. Don't worry, no one in this damn fandom understands it.


"Can't wait to be friends, i hope you will like it here", Miyuki said. Yeah, she knows that Yui isn't going to like it here, cause she knows that she is gonna have to protect Yui from all her brother's guts.


"Can't wait to taste you again very soon", Kanato said a he was holding a teddy bear. Note to everyone: don't try to take Teddy away from him, cause he will kill you on the spot.

"The last son is Subaru"

"This is a waste of time", the youngest brother, Subaru said.

Yui looked at everyone, Subaru had destroyed her phone not to long ago. He had crushed it with his bare hands, Yui knew that these people weren't human.

Yui had tried to run away but being the clumsy girl she is, she tripped and scratched her knee, which was bleeding.

Everyone their eyes were on her now, looking at the blood.

And that is when Yui realized that they are vampires.

"Stay back!", Yui said taking out her rosary she had with her. You could guess that it didn't work. The only thing that she had gotten out of it was a smirk from Shu.

"Yui, sorry to tell you buddy, but the fairytales that people have told you aren't true at all. Crosses , Garlic, Sunlight and God knows what more don't work on us", Miyuki said to her.

Yui quickly got up and ran towards the door.

'Oh boy, let the chase begin i suppose', Miyuki thought as she saw that all her other brothers already had left the room.

Miyuki sighed and just walked calmly, trying to fin Yui.

"Knowing my idiot brothers they are going to kill the girl way before someone else can. Why can't they just listen to our old man for a change? Yeah, i know he is an asshole, but i think that everyone knows better then to disobey him", Miyuki said to herself.

Once, Shu had to re-do a high school year, and as a punishment he was sent to the North-pole by their father. He had to fight Polar bears.

So yea, pissing of their dad is not a great option.

Miyuki then had heard a crashing. Her eyes widened as she has realized it was coming from her mom her room.

Everyone had gathered in that room.

"Yui, mind explaining to us of why and how you got in this room? I am one hundred percent sure that we have locked this room with 100 locks and 5 chains, it would have been impossible for you to get in", Miyuki asked the girl.

"Yeah, tell us how you got in here Little Bitch", Laito said looking lustfully at the human.

"Shut up, this is a waste, i wanna have a bite", Ayato said as he came closer to Yui, his fellow quadruplet brothers following.

"Just that you know, you won't be able to escape here, so don't try", Reiji said with pissed Subaru off as he wasn't getting to the point.

"Get to the point will you? Just say if she tries to escape that she is dead", the youngest said angrily. This dude really needs a Anger Management.

Then the sound of crashing was heard.

"Woops, looks like i have knocked something over", Shu said. Miyuki was wondering if he did it so that her brothers wouldn't take a bite out of Yui.

"Hey, Pancake", Ayato said before covering Yui's face what has caused her to be knocked out.

'Respect huh? Yeah, right'

Beloved Rose (Diabolik Lovers x OC) - Chapter 1 - orphan_account (2025)


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Author: Horacio Brakus JD

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Author information

Name: Horacio Brakus JD

Birthday: 1999-08-21

Address: Apt. 524 43384 Minnie Prairie, South Edda, MA 62804

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Job: Sales Strategist

Hobby: Sculling, Kitesurfing, Orienteering, Painting, Computer programming, Creative writing, Scuba diving

Introduction: My name is Horacio Brakus JD, I am a lively, splendid, jolly, vivacious, vast, cheerful, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.